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Bikes Direct offers quality and affordable bikes that get you way more bang for your buck than at your local bike shop. 

I needed a new commuter bike and bought a Motobecane Vent Noir from Bikes Direct and it's been a very good experience.... I got a very smooth riding, beautiful bike that has a carbon fork and Tiagra/105, at a time when you pretty much have to spend at least a grand to get anything other than Sora from Trek, Specialized and all the other top brands. 

I got good Ritchey stem/handlebars/seat post same as on my carbon race bike. Nice Vuelta wheels and nice tires. The seat is a bit mushy but fairly standard for bike in this price range. Handlebars came with an extra spacer and a longer stem so I could raise it beyond the factory setting. This bike even came with SPD pedals, for an additional savings from not having to purchase separately. 

The bike came quickly and was very well packaged. No damage whatsoever even though the box took a much you'd have to shell out to get a comparable bike from Trek and other companies. And I can vouch they are right having owned or ridden said Treks, Specialized, Giants or high-end Schwinns.

...I endorse this store and experience completely.

Hey! Sorry For Late Reply, For I Have Been Busy.

I received the item on the 9th of February as posted in the UPS Tracking. The box came in perfect condition! The item itself was in great condition as you have assured me. It took me about 1 hr to put it together since I wanted to make sure everything was perfect.

I have taken it for a 10 mile ride today and it was flawless! Very quick and Very smooth. Thanks For Such A Great Bike! Surely A Price That Can't Be Beat!

Very Satisfied Customer. Will Refer Anyone Looking For Bikes To Your Page!


Thank you so much!
I absolutely love my new bike! I got to take it for a couple rides so far and it is so smooth. It has been the envy around the office lately as well.

Many people told me that I got an awesome bike for a really great deal. I normally am quite the “customizer” as I had originally intended on painting it and changing out all of the parts (I chose this frame because I really liked the fork) but seeing it in person made me change my mind. It is the perfect shade of green and the white decaling is pretty slick looking too. Now I have reconsidered and decided that I will only paint it after I’ve taken enough spills that I ruin the paint.

Thank you again for helping me out. I really appreciate it!

Best Regards,



Dear BikesDirect,

Recently I became interested in road biking. I own 2 quality mountain bikes and with little knowledge about this area of biking, I attempted to learn where I might buy a moderately priced (about $1,000) road bike. After visiting a few local bicycle shops, and pricing their various stocks, I felt I might secure a better 'deal' on the Net.

Your shop was recommended and after speaking with one of your helpful telephone representatives, I ordered the Knight Windsor model (54). I was pleased to learn that the bike which normally sold for $1,800., was on sale for $900.00. I've received my bike and was further pleased to receive a telephone call from one of your technicians with a follow up check on my satisfaction.

It's gratifying to know there are still merchants who deliver what they promise and I would hardily recommend your shop to anyone interested in buying a new bike.

Keep up the good work.
Alan Lundy


Dear BikesDirect,

I just wanted to drop a quick note to say thanks and commend you on a superb operation.

I approached buying a major item (like a high quality bike) on-line with a bit of trepidation.
But, I have been pleasantly surprised by every aspect of this transaction.

The process of ordering the bike, the immediate email confirmation, tracking while being shipped all helped to ease my mind. When I rec'd the bike (just 4 short days after ordering) I was again impressed with the meticulous packing job. The bike arrived without a scratch, was assembled without a glitch and has already provided me with hundreds of trouble-free and amazingly smooth, fast miles.

The Windsor Kennet is a fantastic bike and an outstanding value!

I tested C'dale Optimo's, Trek OCLVs, Fuji X-Fusions, Orbeas, LeMonds and others before settling on the Windsor. I most definitely made the right choice.

This is one amazing bike. I have quickly become an enthusiastic promoter of BikesDirect in general and Windsors in particular.


Rick Reas
Middleton, WI


I have received my Motobecane Le Champion Team Road Bike. I am pleased with the way the bike was shipped (no problems). I had my friend (a bike mechanic) set it up for me. Everything was Ok. Road the bike several times and LOVE it.

Can't beat the price, full bike with Dura Ace 10 for only 1795!!! This bike rides better then my TREK Carbon! Thanks for a great deal!!!! >>

Happy and Satisfied Customer,

Donovan Flynn

Just wanted to send a quick message to let you know that the bike is fantastic. I purchased the Mercier Draco AL with the full Ultegra groupo. I went on a 30 mile ride with some friends this weekend to dial the bike in and it bike performed even better than I expected. The acceleration was quick, the handling was agile, and it was very comfortable.

As for Bike's Direct, I will recommend you to all of my friends due to your courtesy, customer support, and quality of product. I received the bike within a couple days of ordering and the assembly was quite easy. The bike was exactly as described on your web-site. Please feel free to post my comments on your web site as an endorsement and testament to your business. Take care.

Tim Seguy

Atlanta, Georgia

I got my bike and took it for the first ride today and its great! Its fast, smooth and light.

A super bike for the LOW price. IM going riding again tomorrow. Thanks for the speedy shipping also. Well packaged, not a scratch. >>


I received my new bike last Thursday and assembled it right away, I took it in for some final adjustments and the bike was ready to go. On Sunday I rode it for the first time, 80 miles. It felt fantastic.

My friends were impressed that I paid so little for such a good bike, and the kind of components that it came with. Thank you

Tim A.

WOW!!!! I just got finished with a final tune and about a 5 mile ride (my third 5 mile trip of the day). The bike is incredible. Everything that I expected, and more!!

I looked at several local bike dealerships, and as expected my desire for; 7005 aluminum frame DB, mid level shimano 105 components, OCR style wheels, clipless pedals and carbon fiber fork road bikes, were in the $1000.00 to $1300.00 dollar range. All of those bikes were pre tax and sans clipless pedals. That means the price was actually in the $1150.00 to $1500.00 dollar range. I had the same quality road bike on my door-step for $745.00. "That's what I'm talkin' about!!!!"

Thanks for the excellent, and easy purchase of an equally excellent road bike!!



Gary Dixner (I'm just a little excited about this.)


I received my Motobecane Team Le Champion two days ago.  It appears to be an excellent bike.  I am in the process of dialing everything in.  There is no flex, the steering is on the money and it climbs like a rocket.  I stopped racing three years ago but I might take it up again.   There was no damage upon delivery and it went together without a hitch.  I had some reservations ordering over the net sight unseen, but this has been a  positive experience.

Thanks again.

Glen Wilkins
Pueblo West, Colo.

Thanks guys!

My Motobecane Fly 9357 arrived last night and this morning I can't stay off of it!  It's more mountain bike than I ever expected for the price.  Everything arrived in perfect order and assembly was a snap.

Thanks for the fantastic service,

Denton Morris

Thanks, Bikesdirect.  The bike (Primal Heatstroke) arrived yesterday afternoon, a few hours after I sent the e-mail.  I finished assembly, tuned/adjusted everything, and went for a ride with my son.  He LOVES the bike! We stopped by our favorite shop to buy bottle cages, and the manager couldn't believe the bike we got for the price.  I've already bought two bikes from him, so he isn't too upset I didn't get my sons from him.  And I buy everything else there, so he's always getting money from me.  Too much, according to my wife.  Anyways, I'll write a nice letter for you to post on the web site soon.  Thanks for the great bike!

John Cox


Just a short note to say how much I really am enjoying my new primal heatstroke. Even with the cold winter days here in Western PA  I have been able to squeeze in a few rides and couldn't be more happy with my selection.

Thanks again,

Paul Sanford
Enon Valley, PA

Hey Bikesdirect,
I received my KHS 1000 on the 19th of September and I must say that it is one fine machine. I have been riding it on some short trips and am very pleased with the performance of this bike.
I must say that putting the bike together was quite simple and the adjustments were minimal to say the least. When I ordered the bike I was kind of apprehensive of getting a bike from a mail order house, but once I received it I found out that not only was it a snap to put together but also I saved over $550.00 from the local dealer-to me that's a great bargain.
Once again it was great doing business with your company,
     Joe Sharon
     Pringle, Pa.


My husband, Stan, and I got our matching 700DS mountain bikes a few days ago.  
We took them to a local shop here to have them assembled since neither of us has any experience with bicycle assembly.
The guy in the shop was VERY impressed with them and couldn't believe how little we paid for them. When we looked around the his shop we were amazed at what a similar bike went for there. (the guy even admitted that he hoped that his customers didn't find you). Thanks for all your help and understanding with all our questions. I'll send you some pics of us with the bikes on our vacation.


Dear Bikesdirect,
This is Daniel from Baltimore. Remember, I got a Motobecane 500DS mountain bike two weeks ago? I just wanted to notify you, that I am completely satisfied with the bike! It's a great riding experience! Probably the best I ever had on a bike.
In addition, the retired owner of a bike store here in Baltimore asked me about the price of the bike, he suggested $1500.00!$!

Thanks again.
Daniel Beck
Dear Bikesdirect,
This is Daniel from baltimore mailing, remember, the guy who took your
offer of the 500DS. I never rode a sportier or rideable bike than the 500DS, it was really
great. However, after enjoying it for a month, it was stolen. You could understand
my disappointment.
I think my next bike (will contact you in spring) will be the same...


Just wanted to tell you that I got my 500 DS just over a week ago and I am
enjoying trail riding on it. I am blessed to have some fairly challenging
trails to ride on near my home with lots of trees, hills, ravines, and some
swampy areas also and the 500 DS seems to be the perfect fit for this type of
riding. By the way, assembly was very easy.

Lynn M.
Lake Charles, LA.


I must admit that I was somewhat hesitant about buying such an expensive
bike on-line but I gave it a shot.   I have now but about 500 miles on my Fuji Professional that 
I got from you and am LOVING IT!  There isn't a bike out there that compares.  What a ride!

Thanx Again,


Thanks so much for your patience.  I received that bike yesterday around
noon...Too bad I was at work until 10:30 pm and couldn't build it up until
then.  It's a sweet rig, definitely a worthy investment. 

Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your help.  Thanks for
your patience with my constant, nagging questions.  I will definitely be
recommending to my friends and associates out here in South
Dakota; where triathlete bikes are only available through mail order or
                                       Most Sincerely,
                                       Eric Redinger
                                       Exercise Specialist, CSCS
                                       McKennan Center for Health & Fitness

Mr. Sander,
The bike (Motobecane - Mirage ($319)) got here on Tuesday (7/17). The box was a little beat up, but the bike was not harmed. Took about 20 minutes to put the handle bars, seat post and wheels on.  Went on my first ride today, the bike rides very fast. I was surprised to find such a nice bike for the price you advertised, I'm glad I didn't go with the $900.00 bike at the local shop. I was  worried that it was going to be "heavy", but it's a well built road bike and I'm mainly using it for exercise. You provide an online bike "heaven" for those of us who don't need the fancy racing bikes and just want quality at an affordable price.  

Thanks for replying to my email, I have already recommend Bikes Direct to some of my friends and neighbors here in Stafford, VA.